Resources for Study

Here are some suggestions of authors, books, and talks on CD.  By no means is this an exhaustive list, just a few representative books of topics and authors which can be helpful to living a life in the spirit.  Each author mentioned has many more good works, and there are many other good authors. 

We are blessed to live in a city with a local Catholic book store.  Remember then when making your purchases.

Bible (Versions)

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Salt and Light Radio (Website) (Listen)

EWTN (Website) (Watch/Listen)

Christopher West: A major author and speaker of topics related to The Theology of the Body.

"Good News in Sex and Marriage"

"A Love That Satisfies"

Woman, God's Masterpiece: Understanding and Living the Feminine Genius (2CDs);

The Gift: Your Call to Greatness, CD

Jason (and Crystallina) Evert: Similar to Christopher West, but more geared to teenagers. 

Theology of His Body/Theology of Her Body

Peter Kreeft: Author of apologetics, focusing more on logical ways to prove God.

"A Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics"

"Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensees"

"Because God Is Real: Sixteen Questions, One Answer"

"Before I Go: Letters to Our Children About What Really Matters"

Scott Hahn: Convert to the faith, deep understanding of Catholicism.

"Rome, Sweet Home"

"Hail Holy Queen"

"The Lambs Supper"

 Other Suggested Authors:

Bishop Robert Morneau

Matthew Kelly

Matthew Pinto

Jeff Cavins

Patrick Madrid

Tim Staples

Karl Keating

Jimmy Akin

Fr. Ron Rolheiser

Fr. David Knight

Stephen Wood

Kimberly Hahn

Joyce Rupp

Stephen Ray

 Choices for Children:

"Lost in Peters Tomb" and others by Dianne Ahern

"The Princess and the Kiss, The Sword and the Squire", etc. by Jennie Bishop

The St. Joseph Series

"Karol from Poland: The Life of Pope John Paul II for Children" by M. Leonora Wilson

"The Caterpillar That Came to Church: A Story of the Eucharist" by Irene H. Hooker

"The Weight of a Mass: A Tale of Faith" by Josephine Nobisso,

Books about saints: Vision Series (chapter books, grades 3-5); or many different books about saints by Mary Fabyan Windeatt

 Online Resources:

Many websites will provide information as a resource for you.  Many speakers will have podcasts or audio clips for free on their websites.  Here is a list of a few: Diocese of Boise Website. Vatican website.  Includes a library of Vatican documents, papal encyclicals to download, virtual tours of Basilica of St. Peter, etc. Website for United States Counsel of Catholic Bishops.  The full New American version of The Bible, and The Catechism of the Catholic Church are included on the site and both are searchable.  Daily Readings in written form and audio podcast as well as timely information about the church in the United States.  Aid to help others with their questions about the Catholic Faith, and to strengthen your own faith. Initiative of the US Catholic Bishops, marriage aids and resources Website for Catholic Answers.  Resources for apologetics, free tracts and videos, forum, Ask an Apologist, voter guide, etc.  Answers to your questions about what the church teaches. Website for Christopher West.  Includes a link for free video podcast and audio downloads. Theology of the Body Institute, information about courses and speaker and a store. Matthew Kelly, aids to becoming a better version of yourself. Website of Scott Hahn links to free audio and video downloads.  Founded by Dr. Scott Hahn, the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology is a non-profit research and educational institute that promotes life-transforming Scripture study in the Catholic tradition. Website of Peter Kreeft links to free audio downloads and writings. Fr. Larry Richards includes his weekly homily podcasts. Mary Foundation free Catholic CDs and novels.  Free or cheap CDs on a variety of topics to help marriage and families. Associated with Matthew Kelly.  Meeting people where they are leading them where God calls them to be.  Offers free and cheap copies of book.  Right now offering a free copy of Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly. CD of the month club.